Sunday 20 November 2011

Foundation Degree in Calligraphy / week #9

Full steam ahead now with the Foundational text for this element of my assignment. The content is chosen and I've worked out the nib size, line spacing and layout, although I may change this later. I've made some notes to refer to as I write, and I'm always aware of the particular letters that continue to give me problems, including that pesky 'l'.
So... a few exercises to try and stamp out that stupid letter that I seem to have a mental block with....mmmm... that seems better, wonder how long it will last!
Other students are working on various tasks. Here Nathalie dampens a line on a sheet of paper to experiment in developing a decal edge.Meanwhile...I have been writing my text out in chisel pencil. I've decided to change the layout a bit and I'm trying the lines out with various indents and line endings to make the most appealing layout.
I've also made a decision to have a drop capital initial to the beginning of the piece. Again, I try different sizes in pencil only, and separate the top line of the text to see how that could work together with the initial cap.
I decide on this size for the cap initial and I'm much happier with the layout and particularly the line endings. I think I can get cracking now with the final piece!
Nathalie is busy preparing her Foundational piece too, working out the layout with strips of writing and placing them on a sheet of cartridge paper to get the position of each line just right.

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