Thursday 15 September 2011

Foundation Degree in Calligraphy / week #1

In the beginning was the train. And lo, the train was late. And verily, the travellers were vexed to a degree which begat emmissions of voice that sorely disturbed their fellow travellers.
And lo, other means of transport, even luxury coaches, were summoned, and they did convey the weary, the downtrodden, the despairing and broken humanity to the promised land of Darlington, for that place was beyond that which seers called 'the place of fallen trees' and was a place of true peace and joyful travel. And lo, after a period of time equalling that which was seven earth hours past that which had been promised, they did arrive at the Cross of Kings, there to rest and enjoy sustainance, and indeed, beer!

The joys of rail travel. So began the first journey of many which I will be undertaking over the next two years. Not a good start, but on the positive side, surely it can't get much worse!The Foundation Degree in Calligraphy with Design is being held at Kensington Palace, and here are the students and tutor who will be my companions during this calligraphic journey. After checking in together we made our way to our studio...
Our first morning was spent with Manny Ling, the programme leader, going through the student handbook and first module with us. We also covered registration and the all important in-house rules and regs which apply to our venue and to the University.

Then it was down to business with our tutor Cherryll Avery, who lost no time in introducing us to the first module of the semester - Foundations of Calligraphy. [ be continued]


  1. Honestly - Kensington Palace, I mean, how posh is that?

  2. Also, is that ET standing up in the coach?

  3. Reasonably posh I would say Andy. Hope you are well.
