Sunday 9 October 2011

Foundation Degree in Calligraphy / week #4

We are working up our monoline capitals as an element of our first assignment. Eventually these will be drawn in ink on good quality paper, but for now we are using pencil on layout paper, concerning ouselves with the construction, weight, balance and layout of the written piece. As part of this process we present and comment on our work in progress, and also receive critique from our fellow students and tutor.We comment and make suggestions on each others work, and make notes to fine-tune spacing and balance etc, so that this informs what will be our final piece for the first assignment. Already we see some good quality work coming through from our group.

We have also returned to the pen this week, trying out various nib widths and heights. Working with a broad nib and taking care to form the serifs, with reference to the previous teaching about construction, weight, spacing etc.For the next weeks I'll be staying with my daughter in Romford. Nice to see the great job she has made of her kitchen makeover during the last few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. This is all very fascinating Tim! Just been reading about serifs on Google. Never really understood the difference between serif and sans- serif type faces but now I do! I love certain fonts and the idea you can write and draw them with pen and ink is wonderful to me I it really fires me up! I am so enjoying reading about your calligraphic adventures :-)
