Thursday 19 November 2009

I'm a CLAS act me...!

Today I received my membership of CLAS - The Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society. Along with my membership came a couple of copies of 'The Edge' (CLAS magazine - the current magazine has information and a report about the Summer Symposium that I attended, and there was a picture of me in it!), a free 'Tools & Materials' brochure, an offer on a boxed set of Calligraphy gouache and various bits of information about what's going on in the world of calligraphy right now. I also got info about how I can proceed on the CLAS Certificate of Calligraphy and 'Ladder of Progress'. Can't wait to get started on it!

1 comment:

  1. I've got big expectations for my xmas card.
    No pressure.
